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10/09/2014 -- Dormant Volcano in Scotland has 5.5M earthquake -- Censored by USGS + BGS


SCIENCE SCANDAL !! USGS and BGS caught red handed! CENSORING the Scotland 5.5M earthquake off all feeds to prevent public panic.

UNACCEPTABLE. The data is what it is, for them to try to hide this event, makes me question why they're so scared about us knowing what's going on.

The charts do not lie, but apparently the geologists do.

This event was CENSORED from the USGS and BGS feeds!!! Full website post with screenshots of the dormant volcano where this censored 5.5M earthquake occurred:

Clearly an old dormant volcano resides at this earthquake epicenter. I find it odd that the USGS, and British Geological Survey literally ignored the event.

Are they scared the public may panic? Are they lazy, not wanting to answer any questions? Are they trying to keep activity at volcanoes hush hush?

What is the reason for their censorship of scientific data. It better be a good one, whatever it is, last time I checked it is a SCIENCE SCANDAL to skew or "under report" data everyone expects to be uncensored.


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posted by TetepayJeancekj