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5 Creepiest Google Earth Images | The Creepiest Google Map Finds!

Nukes Top 5

Here’s the top 5 Creepiest Google Earth Images and the Creepiest Google Map Finds! Check out the scariest and most disturbing real pictures found on Google maps.

There are Google street view pictures of a scary ghost, weird unexplained kidnappings, a creepy Japanese town full of dolls, mysterious sounds, a disturbing incident caught on camera, everything that belongs in a list full of shocking google earth finds and the most disturbing things found on Google maps.

5. Ghosts on Google
The Stuart Hotel in Liverpool, England is said to have been the site of paranormal sightings and events for over 100 years, including unexplained rattling, rumbling, and knocks on the walls.
But the Google Street View car caught something TRULY frightening when it passed by the haunted pub. A casual observer on Google maps happened to notice SOMEthing peeking out of the upstairs window.
Now is this some strange ghastly ghoul or did the Stuart Hotel owners somehow know that the Google Street car was coming by and simply fake the whole thing.

4. Kidnapping Caught on Google Maps
Now when this next Google maps image surfaced in 2012, many observers on the internet believed that the image showed a woman being kidnapped from her home in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the photo, it looks like she's about to be stuffed into the open trunk of a waiting car.
Now, if we put on our own internet detective cap, and look at a Google maps picture from a year later, we can see that a car that looks very similar to the one in the picture is again parked on the same street. This would seem to indicate that the car belongs to a resident of one of the nearby buildings. Now while it's possible that the woman could have been kidnapped by a neighbor, it seems unlikely. And even though the bald man in the photo seems to be treating the woman very roughly at first glance, if you take a close look she still hasn't bothered to drop her cigarette.

3. Crime Caught on Google Maps
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A 14 year old boy in Holland reported to police that he had been violently knocked from his bicycle by two young men who then stole the bike, his cell phone, and his wallet. The police investigated the crime, but had no real leads to follow up on.
That is until 6 months later when the boy happened to be looking around Google maps street view and actually found pictures of himself riding his bike down a nearby street. The Google street view car had actually taken a picture right before the crime occurred. Sure enough, the two young men who had stolen the boy's bike could be seen following right behind him.
The boy contacted local police, who then contacted Google and received an unblurred copy of the photo. The police immediately recognized the two men as twin brothers who had been jailed for previous thefts in the same neighborhood. The two were arrested.

2. Town of dolls

In Japan, there is a small remote village named Nagoro(NAGoro) that is populated almost entirely by dolls. The town once had a population of hundreds of people, but as each person died or moved away, local dollmaker AyanoSukimi took on the task of replacing each missing villager with a doll in their likeness. These days, the town of Nagoro is almost deserted, except for hundreds of dolls that fill the buildings and line the streets.
By using Google Maps street view feature, you can actually take a tour through the dolllined streets of the isolated village of Nagoro, and see all of its creepy little stuffed inhabitants.

1. UVB76

UVB76 is a very bizarre shortwave radio station that has been broadcasting for over 44 years. The odd station simply emits a sequence of buzzes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For almost 25 years of UVB76's existence, that's pretty much all the strange shortwave station didbuzz repeatedly in an odd rhythm. Then in 1997, someone suddenly spoke. It was a man's voice, speaking in Russian. He repeated a strange series of names and numbers that no one could decipher. Were the names and numbers a test signal, were they code, or something more sinister? After the brief creepy voice message, the UVB76 station went quiet, then it returned to its repeating series of peculiar buzzes. However, now shortwave radio enthusiasts and investigators were able to triangulate the signal's location. In later years, the UVB76 signal was traced down to a location on Google maps. It was coming from a small communications building in a remote area in Russia.
Over the next 20 years, UVB76 continued to broadcast it's strange pattern of buzzes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. On rare occasions the buzzes would be interrupted by the mysterious Russian, always repeating a series of seemingly random names and numbers.

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