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Groudon vs Kyogre. Epic Rap Battles of Pokémon #17.

Epic Rap Battles of Pokemon

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Welcome to Epic Rap Battles of Pokémon, the series where we will put together two or more entities from the Pokémon franchise against each other in an epic rap duel!

▼ CAST ▼

Groudon: swizkii

Kyogre: Mr Jay

The Announcer/Rayquaza: Mancha

Deoxys: YKSNØY/EDXBeats


Edited by Skeep Tieelerson

Lyrics Written by Mancha, Cam Steady, Meatholl & Mat4yo

Beats Produced by Varyable & Kustom
   / remix696

Email: [email protected]
Twitter:   / erbofpokemon  

Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments, as we read every single comment! And thank you for watching!

posted by rezijskild