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Bits inside by René Rebe

Bits inside by René Rebe
⚠Achtung: Hier ist rechtlich ALLES Werbung, da Markennennung⚠
Computer scientist and designer from Berlin; Germany.
Think different, indepth video content. No script, my personal opinion, real world reviews, stuff that actually matters, and some more technical insights.

I do Linux and OpenSource stuff since ~1998, and founded the ExactCODE GmbH in 2005. At ExactCODE we also do Mac and Windows apps, including the award winning ExactScan scan suite, the OCRKit text recognition and PDF Re/compress for a paperless office,
Over the years I wrote drivers for over 500 scanners, a whole image processing framework ExactImage, a full PDF library & a portable, dynamically typed UI system also used in our Windows and Linux ports.

You can find contributions from me all over the place, Linux kernel, GCC, Chrome & more. W/ T2 SDE Linux we cross compile thousands of packages to exotic architectures, including ARM, PowerPC, SPARC, …

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

posted by billighet41