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I chose something else Greencraft created to make a difference! To help people reconnect with the natural world, to experience actual reality rather than the virtual version the masses are sleep walking into! A world where profit & possessions are paramount!
Greencraft is about balance, taking the good & the fantastic from the modern world and using it to help educate, reconnect & rewild as many as possible with our natural environment.. To get people out into the woods & green spaces, to sleep under the stars, eat wild foods, craft beautiful things, to follow the trails & signs of the other creatures we share our environment with...these are just a few of the ways Greencraft gets people to think about their impact on the planet. I am not alone in this mission or belief , it is a movement that is growing, and will continue to grow and make a difference.
Here you find an outdoor magazine, packed full of reviews, howto's, recipes, all things to help you get into nature more...

posted by pescatoie