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K9SWX Ham Radio

K9SWX Ham Radio
Here we talk about ham radio, Raspberry Pi, software defined radios and other tech stuff.

My name is Stan Olson and my ham radio call sign is K9SWX. I live in downstate Illinois in the town of Champaign, Illinois (EN50). I have been licensed since 2000 but have been immersed in the hobby since I was a young child. I was always enamored watching my father talk to people around the world before I would go to school in the mornings. Both my parents were hams and used ham radio to talk to and from work in the days before cell phones.

I enjoy reviewing radios, experimenting with digital modes and tinkering with technology. I don't have a home shack so all my gear is mobile or portable. I also enjoy trying to DX the AM, FM and TV bands. I enjoy all the signals!

Thanks for visiting my home on YouTube! If you have any questions about ham radio, please feel free to reach out to me.


Stan K9SWX

posted by Serranoss