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Mulan Sun

Mulan Sun
Guzheng Music, I'm Mulan.
I like playing the Guzheng simply for pleasure.
Welcome to my Guzheng Music World!

Tips: Wear Headphones Experience Better.

Please subscribe to Mulan Sun Channel on YouTube if you like my videos▶
P.S. Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch my Guzheng Music videos~

古筝 · 清弹纯筝 · 原味
即兴 · 演奏现场 · 实录。

Tips: 戴上耳机 体验更佳。

欢迎订阅Mulan Sun古筝频道▶
P.S. 记得开启小铃铛哦 天籁之音即将抵达。

posted by Canzi3f