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Pastor Kevin L A Ewing

Pastor Kevin L A Ewing
The scripture made it crystal clear when it said, "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9. Spiritual deliverance is all about the knowledge of God applied to a particular area of a person's life to avoid destruction or to release them from bondage. The Bible clearly says to us, "My people are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 is also a book of prevention and cures. If we obey its instructions, then we will prevent trouble and destruction. However, if we insist on disobeying it, we must seek its wisdom for a cure.

God desires us to advance in every area of our lives. However, IGNORANCE will always be the keynote speaker to the audience of limitations and restrictions. Hence, Satan's most potent weapon used against humanity will always be the weapon of ignorance. Ignorance will always be the initial process of subduing knowledge, all to activate the law of destruction!

posted by Darmbein7l