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Plant and healthy nursery

Plant and healthy nursery
"Welcome to @plantaysanavivero_! Here you will find a space dedicated to the wonderful world of plants and their power to heal not only our spaces, but also our souls. From practical tips for caring for foliage plants and exotic succulents, to solutions for face any difficulty you may encounter in its cultivation, our channel is designed so that together we learn and enrich each other.

We are passionate about sharing knowledge about plants and creating a friendly and united community, committed to caring for nature. Here, every plant has a story to tell, and each of us has something new to learn. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth, as we care for our planet and our wellbeing, one plant at a time."
And if we let plants open up a universe of knowledge, new experiences, peace and healthy recreation. Plants transform your soul and heal your being.

posted by foexfangeib