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Programme for Legal Education and Awareness - PLEA

Programme for Legal Education and Awareness - PLEA
Programme for Legal Education and Awareness (PLEA) strives to provide knowledge and opportunities for developing practical and professional skills to thrive in the legal sector. While it aims to educate, enhance, and expose law students, lawyers, and the public at large to facets of the profession and its practices, PLEA offers a platform to the experienced professionals to do some pro bono work, engage and shape the next generation of lawyers.
PLEA organises regular sessions which are free, interactive and curated to enrich the participants. The content is rich and connected to law. Each session focuses on developing skills, knowledge and application of the topic.
PLEA’s offerings have a wide appeal. Law students learn the practicalities and graduate with skills. Recent graduates grow professionally. Junior lawyers, faculty and experts get to give back, to help others learn and grow. Awareness sessions help and protect the underserved and vulnerable.

posted by cathylockwooduj