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The Actors Foundry

The Actors Foundry
Clips and highlights from the teaching videos, webinars, guest speakers, audition workshops, "Matt Talks", masterminds, and the other many resources found on THE ACTOR'S CAMPUS at

The CAMPUS is for actors everywhere. Learn from the 50 VIDEO CHAPTERS of training from renowned acting teacher MATTHEW HARRISON with downloadable study guides, resources, assignments, exercises, webinars, uploaded scenes for critique…it’s the practice and feedback the actor needs to GET GREAT...with the community support the actor needs to GET WORKING.

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"Matthew Harrison came highly recommended as an acting teacher, and now I see why. His work on Roadies was unbelievably good. He clearly knows his stuff. Because of Matthew’s work, our lead actor’s performance was powerful and nuanced, with dialogue full of dynamics, and with a deep emotional undertone. Work with him." Cameron Crowe (director)

posted by anakindonesiagm