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The Swag Wala PM

The Swag Wala PM
Product Management is a thinking process . Most aspirants are closed to this process because of no clarity on what to learn ,how to learn , how to become a great product thinker and crack their first PM role

Here I am an educator who will take you deep inside the world of product management , systems thinking and growth , with a sense of fun and humour

In the last year , I have helped around 10k plus aspirants. and helped 300+ folks to get into PM jobs . Here my agenda is to scale it to 30k+ roles in the next 3 years

We will cover from

1. Intro to product management
2. How to get your first PM job
3. Why product thinking is better for decision making
3. How to succeed as a PM
4.What is product analytics
5. Do I need certifications , degrees for becoming a PM
6. Building a product portfolio
7. Solving Live cases
8. Advance product management
9. Product strategy and vision
10. Humour and much more ...

Do. subscribe and trust me its a lot of fun :)

posted by assedlevalj