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World Vintage Films

World Vintage Films
World Vintage Films (WVF) uploads videos of life, travel and military footage from the 1910s1980s with the intention of preserving them for the future.The majority of the videos were shot by my relatives and friends, all of which I retain the copyright to.Please support me by subscribing to my channel and increasing the number of comments.
(archive VTR)

â—†About World Vintage Films
I'm doing a Youtube video of footage taken from the 1910s to the 2000s.
The footage is original and was filmed by my family and my friends while they were traveling.That's why most of the footage was shot in Japan.The first step in the editing process is to convert the video from analog to digital. Then I remove the unnecessary parts and add the original music and subtitles. We don't want to hide the footage, so we don't have many subtitles.Black and white footage may be converted to color.
(I translate in multiple languages, so my writing is poor.)

posted by hegskyfk0