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吟唱山水间1-中国地理音乐-最具中国元素的世界音乐,充满了灵性、仙气、画面感。笛 箫 古筝 二胡 琵琶 葫芦丝 小提琴 吉他等……



  01. 水墨丹青凤凰城 04:49
Phoenix City,a city in Chinese ink snd wash
  02. 紫禁花园 05:05
The Forbiddeb Garden
  03. 清音玉露月牙泉 05:52
Clear tone and water in Yueya Spring
  04. 碧水微风媚太湖 04:42
Charming Tai Lake with blue water and breeze
  05. 青瓦白墙恋徽州 05:27
Huizhou,verdant tile and white wall in the name of the city
  06. 乌兰巴托草原之夜 05:48
Night of Ulan Bator Grassland
  07. 溪行桃花源 05:13
Wandering Arcadia along Stream
  08. 平遥古韵 05:15
Pingyao,ancient charm
  09. 渔舟湘江晚唱 04:09
Night Chant in Fishing Boat beside Xiang River
  10. 丝路花雨锁泉州 06:04
Quanzhou,city is surrounded by Silk Way and rain of flower
  11. 小桥流水人家 05:44
Small bridge,flowing water and household
  12. 大理雪月觅风花 04:04
Dali,romantic story with wind,flower,snow,moon

posted by Untarum4