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10 MUST KNOW BUS LINE TIPS | Cities: Skylines 2

Ollotize Gaming

In this Cities: Skylines 2 video I will be running through my top 10 need to know tips for bus lines.

Tip 1 is to avoid having any bus stops or stations near busy intersections or interchanges, having bus stops or stations near these are definitely going to cause you traffic problems.

Tip 2 is to try not having any bus lines running up busy main roads as this also is just going to add to or create traffic issues. Try having your busses running up your smaller less busy back roads that have less traffic / cars on them.

Tip 3 is to do your best to avoid overlapping bus lines as you don't want too many busses running up and stopping on the same road. On the opposite side of the road running in the opposite direction should be fine, just not on the same side.

Tip 4 is to remember to keep a count on how many busses you have running around your city as bus depot's can only dispatch a certain number of busses, so you may need to build more bus depot's.

Tip 5 is to ensure you place bus stops at busy popular locations to increase numbers on you bus lines, for example hospitals, schools and any other public transport stations.

Tip 6 is to try creating a few bus only routes / roads. Doing this will speed up your bus services and mean you can have less busses on that line or serve more customers faster.

Tip 7 is to try and space out your bus stops to every 2 to 4 blocks. This way bus stops are reasonably frequent so that its not too much of an inconvenient distance for citizens to walk for a bus, and it is not so frequent that it will cause too many traffic issues.

Tip 8, when you place a bus stop the game will automatically create a route from the previous stop to the new one, well once you have finished placing your bus line you can click on your bus line and drag it to different roads. This is a fantastic tool to use as you can adjust the bus route so it makes a bit more sense or to avoid busy roads so to ensure not to add to or create any traffic problems.

Tip 9 is that if you create a bus line that runs all the way out to where the highways reach the edge of the map and back then you'll have created an outside connection to another city which will bring in tourists and let your citizens leave the city. From my experience with this, these stops are usually busy and will make a decent amount of money if enough busses are on that line and that the ticket price is raised to a decent amount.

Tip 10 is an important one. You don't want to forget to come back a little while after you've created your bus lines (after they've settled in and spread out) and up or lower the amount of busses and the ticket prices if needed. This is a key tip to make sure you have a successfully running bus system.

And a bonus tip is to try creating your own custom bus station, this way you can save money on the upkeep of a normal bus station and you can really create something unique for your city.

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If you have any questions, suggestions or think I've missed something then leave a COMMENT and I'll be happy to help. Thank you for watching!

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posted by ufanifujp