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10 SIGNS OF MILD AUTISM IN ADULTS | Take the TEST and see if you might be autistic

Cardio DF — Cardiologia e saúde cardiovascular em Brasília (DF)

Take the TEST and see if you might be autistic (even if you don't seem like it)
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Take the TEST and see if you might be autistic (even if you don't seem like it)
1:25 Huge growth of autism in the world
1:57 Why has the number of autistic people grown so much in the world?
2:54 What is autism?
5:12 What are the 10 signs of autism in adults?
5:17 10th sign of mild autism in adults
6:06 9th sign of autism in adults and teens
6:26 8th sign of mild autism in adults
7:04 7th sign of autism in adults and teens
7:33 6th sign of mild autism in adults
7:50 5th sign of autism in adults and teens
8:41 4th sign of mild autism in adults
9:18 3rd sign of autism in adults and teens
10:05 2nd sign of mild autism in adults
10:45 1st sign of autism in adults and teens
11:06 Take the test and find out if you might be autistic
14:01 How to add up the test scores on autism?

Signs of autism in adults are often not as obvious as many people think. The symptoms of autism can be masked as many men and women with autism can function like many neurotypicals and even better. In this video we will see what are the characteristics of autistic behavior.
Do you think you might be on the autistic spectrum? This video will help! And at the end you will take the validated test with 10 questions (very fast) and find out if you fit the autistic spectrum.
You can tell me that you don't look autistic. But many autistic people don't either.
You know that friend of yours who is a little different, a little quirky? Who is too shy or too sincere, and may even seem rude?
So that friend of yours might be autistic.
And that's what today's video is about: 15 signs of mild autism in adults. And at the end of the video you can take the test, 10 questions, to see if you fit the spectrum.


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Individuals looking for early symptoms of mild autism also looked for symptoms of adult autism
❤ This is a purely educational video, aiming to instruct the population on various subjects involving medicine and health in general.
❤ The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace medical consultation or serve as a recommendation for any treatment plan. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
❤ Medicine is an everchanging science, videos are produced based on the latest Scientific Articles to date.
According to Art. 8 of Resolution CFM 1974/11 of Advertising of the Code of Medical Ethics, the videos are only intended to provide information for strictly educational purposes.
According to Art. 9 of Resolution CFM 1974/11 of Publicity of the Code of Medical Ethics § 1 “E ”, the address and telephone number of the office, clinic or service are not disclosed.

posted by squathymouttyyd