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17 Funny Things You Find in Japan

Schizo Bob

Here are the top funniest things you will find when you visit Japan like strange baby mops and even festivals which people run naked

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11. Kanamara Matsuri
"Festival of the Steel Phallus" The origins of this are well worth Visiting. Legend says that a woman's vagina was once cursed by a rather hungry and sharptoothed demon the result being that her first two husbands were both castrated on their wedding night. A local blacksmith stepped forward to create a metal phallus to break the demon's teeth, and a shrine was built in its honor.

Old New York Lady Now this is a festival I could get into

Redneck That is like the chastity belt from hell man That story makes the little red riding hood seem tame. I am surprised this hasn't happened to someone on Game of Thrones.

Japanese people work so hard that they are allowed to sleep while working. It's like a nap time for someone that has been run into the ground by an impossible rat race. Make sure you stay upright, though, or else if you fall over it's almost as bad as passing out with your shoes on in the States.
Japan, you need a vacation.

Wiener Schnitzel wake up! Get going on zeh accounts receivable.

9.Fake Fangs
I think I like it, but another part of me thinks this is a dangerous trend. At least they don't sparkle. Vampires and glitter should not be a thing. Does anyone else think that Scientology turned Tom Cruise into a real vampire?
Wiener Schnitzel I think they made a movie about little Japanese Vampire Women. If they haven't, they should make it a thing. Maybe Schizo Bob can do a Kickstarter to get it done.

8.Ice Cream Flavors
Ewww Octopus flavored ice cream! They have other fun flavors that are kind of fishy as well.
Stoner Dude Man that sounds pretty good right now. Maybe scoop it up with some Doritos man.

7.Vending Machines
If you can vend it out of a machine, Japan figured out how to do it already. What are these things? Someone from Japan, please tell me. Eggs? Rolls? Egg Rolls?
And how much is 300 yen? That's right I have Google, it's about 3 US $

6.Baby Mop
No need to not put these kids to work early on in life. Might as well put that little germ machine to work, and boost his immune system at the same time,

Wiener Schnitzel I guess you could say this kid started at ground level. O jees that was bad.

5.Suicide Forest
Aokigahara, commonly referred to as the suicide forest, is nestled up next to Mt. Fuji. This forest averages about 30 suicides a year. If one were so inclined, you can search the forest and find old ropes for hanging, and even skeletons. There is a sign at the beginning of the trails that suggests you think about your family and reconsider. People say that the forest is haunted by the dead.

French Guy that is a creepy way to go about it, I can't wait till they have the suicide booth. It would make going to this forest with your kids a lot more enjoyable.

4.Capsule Hotel
Need a hole to crash into and sleep off a wild night? Japan has you covered. These little pods even have wifi and cell phone plug in’s. You can find these in the city, or at the airport. Handy if you need to Lay over!
Wiener Schnitzel Bob you leave the weird puns to me! Nine!
Let's see….. They are packing them in like sardines, but they love Sushi!

Don't get your tubes tied

Why is their lotion and hand sanitizer in here.

Help I farted and I can't get out of my tube!

What if you accidently get into a cryo chamber?

The guy in the tube below me is always up late throwing parties.

3.Naked Festivals
No better way to get the evil spirits out of the universe than by parading a bunch of naked men around. I guess this is a little different than a fun run. At first, I thought this was a run to raise awareness for testicular cancer. It's so much harder to raise awareness for that, than breast cancer. The balls need a new image.

2.KFC on Christmas Eve
What better way to celebrate Christianity than with a bucket of fried chicken. Now a popular trend in Japan is to get KFC on Christmas Eve. Ahhh A little slice of Americana. The Colonel looks good in kimono, though!
Redneck ahh man they stole that from us. My family has been going to KFC on Christmas Eve for years now!

1.Bunny Petting Cafe
For about 15$ you can pet a fluffy bunny like this one for a half hour at the local bunny cafe. I hear it relieves stress and blood pressure. Unless you drop one. I wonder if these are located next to the Kentucky Fried Chickens?

Redneck Fried Bunny! You are genius Bob!

Woa…...woa….! They are too cute Redneck Bob. Until they grow up and are just rodents.

posted by Bonecco5l