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1982 New England Billy Graham Crusade

Bruce Webster

From May 30 to June 6, 1982, Billy Graham conducted an 8day evangelistic crusade at Boston University's Nickerson Field. Tens of thousands came each night, including 19,000 in driving rain on the crusade's last night. They came to hear Billy Graham deliver a powerful message about God's saving grace through His Son, Jesus Christ. Many thousands of lives were changed.

Scores of churches in the greater Boston area provided volunteers to support the immense effort involved in preparing for and putting on a Billy Graham crusade. One of the churches taking the lead in these efforts was Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA.

As one of the scores of Grace Chapel volunteers, I participated in the Billy Graham Crusade "CoLabor Corps", which labored each night (sometimes into the early morning hours) behind the scenes in the Nickerson Field gymnasium after the crowds had dispersed and gone home to process the thousands of decision cards completed by those who came forward to accept Christ as their Savior. Our mission was to connect those new believers with local churches, providing followup and opportunities for fellowship and growth in their Christian faith.

Throughout the week, I tried to capture through both pictures and audio, what it was like to be a part of those incredible evenings at Nickerson Field. After the crusade, I created a "multimedia" slide show (literally using two slide projectors) synced with audio from a cassette tape player and presented this at a Grace Chapel evening service at the request of the thensenior pastor, Gordon MacDonald.

In 2018, 36 years after the crusade, I digitized the presentation into what you see here.

This "slide show" was originally intended for the enjoyment of our Corps Labor Corps volunteers from Grace Chapel, using images and sounds that were all too familiar to them. As such, it will be of limited interest to those outside that group. And, it is slowpaced, timing picture transitions to music and spoken word.

Most of the music is from a Christian LP album that I cannot remember the name of. If I could, I would certainly provide attribution. The theme from "Chariots of Fire" by Vangelis is also used. The voice of Cliff Barrows is from one of the training tapes we used to prepare for the crusade. The voices of Billy Graham and George Beverly Shea are from a personal tape I made off my TV from a separate crusade. The voice of Gordon MacDonald is from a Grace Chapel weekly sermon tape. The voices of others were taped during the actual Corp Labor Corps activities during the week.

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