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2 Terrifying TRUE Scary Stories

Reflection Of Nightmare

When I was 21 years old I would be home alone at my parents house a lot we lived on a little Pond which was directly in our backyard on the other side of the pond was a little town park our neighbors were a bit spaced out it was a pretty upscale expensive block compared to the rest of the town so the properties were big I'm fully moved out now but this was back when I was in college my parents make a lot of money and we have multiple homes so often I was home alone it was a random night in the summertime I was off from school so I can't remember if it was the weekend or a weekday but odds are since I was home it was a random weekday I was in the back sun room watching a show that was my favorite room in the house in the summer because it was the most cozy and had the best Breeze with all the windows open I was right on the corner of the couch closest to the corner window when I heard splashing from outside like in the pond it could have been a goose or duck sometimes they'd fight in the water and make a bunch of splashing sounds so at first I ignored it but as it persisted I decided to lower the volume on the TV and listen I put my ear up to the window even and I heard consistent splashing sounds way too heavy to be from a duck or Goose it sounded like like they were splashes from a person I opened the door in the sun room and stepped outside to the deck I looked out to the pitch darkness of the backyard I now heard a man's humming along with the splashes someone was definitely swimming in the water they were trespassing each house on the pond owned a specific chunk of the pond I stepped inside for a second to flick on the lights to the backyard deck as I did this just a bit of the pond was exposed and the splashes and humming stopped whoever it was clearly saw me I wondered if it was one of the neighbors going for a swim or something which also just seemed weird because no one really swam in the pond ever but honestly whether it was or wasn't a neighbor I wasn't going to confront whoever it was I stepped back inside and turned off the lights of course locking the door as well I texted my brother who was away at College about it he didn't answer right away I was trying not to creep myself out over it but watching TV after this was kind of hard I couldn't focus on the show I looked out the window but all I could see outside was Darkness I still had the TV on in the background not realizing how revealing the light from the TV would be outside and then I thought I heard something on the deck I hurried to find the remote and turn off the TV and as the room went black and Silent it took me a few seconds to adjust and realized that there was the sound of someone's heavy breathing right outside one of the many windows in the room I instantly laid down flat on the couch to try and hide myself and after a short moment of silence a deep voice from outside the window said I see you my heart dropped into my stomach I couldn't decide in the moment whether to speak or keep hiding so I just blurted out Paul is that you Paul was the name of one of our neighbors I said this Clinging On To The hope that maybe it was him and he was just messing with me but the man outside didn't respond to this I just heard footsteps walking away as the Barefoot sounding footsteps faded to silence I still laid flat on the couch too afraid to move I laid for a few minutes before the thought to go check that all the doors were locked came to mind I exploded off the couch and ran straight for the front door it was locked as was the side entrance door after a little while longer and texting my entire family about what was going on my dad told me to turn the backyard lights on and check if anyone was still out there he basically told me to be the man of the house and protect it so I listened and checked the back deck through the window it was clear I brought a big knife outside with me onto the deck and I looked down there were wet footprints that had half dried by then but I could tell that they were Barefoot Footprints I followed the trail footprints around to the side part of the deck and what I saw was Nightmare fuel the top part of someone's head namely their eyes and forehead was peering just over the edge of of the deck from the ground below looking at me as if he heard me coming and was waiting as we made eye contact he turned away and by now I was ready to call 911 I did so before even telling my parents I locked myself inside waiting for them and when they came I felt instantly better they asked if our family had any enemies or people who don't like us or if we have any problem neighbors questions like this they did do a quick sweep of the property and then left I decided to shut every window that night and run the air conditioning just for added safety when I awoke the next morning I was just delighted to see sunlight I don't believe that man ever returned to our house and we still don't know who it could have

posted by SmandaWaxo3