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20 Photos of Creatures Stuck in Time

Epic Wildlife

From spiders stuck in eternal battle, to a desert scattered with whale fossils, these are 20 Photos of Creatures Stuck in Time!

India was the site of an uncommonly large collection of insects discovered encased in amber, some of which you can see in this picture. Even the surface details on the creature’s body are visible. The extraordinarily well preserved specimens were found in a coal mine in Gujarat (guujuhraht), a province in the western part of the country. At some 330 pounds, the discovery ranks as one of the biggest collections of amber ever recorded. An international group of fossil hunters have found ancient spiders, ants, flies and bees. More than 700 arthropods have been identified in this group that includes arachnids, insects and crustaceans.

Scientists claimed to find the biggestever stash of dinosaur fossils in China.In 2008 around 7600 fossils were unearthed from an eastern province, leading the site to be dubbed “Dinosaur City”. Included were the remains of a hadrosaur that stood 65feet tall!

Queensland’s outback in Australia was the site of fish fossils that dated back some 100 million years. The skull of a huge primitive fish called a Cooyoo (kuuyuu) was one of the fossils discovered. Researchers say the animal measured more than 3 meters and had teeth 2cm long, and had a powerful tail.

20 fossils discovered in Scotland yielded a collection of plants, fish and amphibians that lived up to 360 million years ago. Included were wellpreserved specimens of millipedes, ferns and even an amphibian’s tooth (pictured) preserved for posterity.

A fossil find in Brazil in 2011 contained insects dating back 120 million years. Because these creatures displayed an odd mixture of characteristics, they were dubbed “Frankenstein insects”. The bugs had the body formation and wings of a dragonfly, the forelegs of a praying mantis and wing veins resembling a mayfly’s. The closest living relatives of these ancient insects would be mayflies … they actually have no modern descendants.

See the remains of Yuka, the wooly mammoth, incredibly wellpreserved from 39,000 years ago when she last roamed the the frozen plains of what is now Siberia. Yuka is a unique case, because her carcass was nearly complete when it was recovered. Just to give some perspective in terms of the animal’s size, mammoths were nearly twice the size of modernday elephants and could weigh over 17,000 pounds!

This is the wellpreserved fossil of an Ectobius cockroach, found in Colorado and thought to have lived some 50 million years ago in North America. It looks disturbingly similar to today’s common household pest … Guess they aren’t going away soon.

Here’s the case of a parasite that latched onto its host and wouldn’t let go … for for the next 49 million years ago. The photo by Jason Dunlop shows an ant (the big creature) with the mite atop its head. It’s one of only two examples known where fossilized mites were preserved while still being attached to the host.

It’s not everyday one can say they went surfing and saw a dinosaur. That sortakind happened in 2012 when some surfers in Santa Cruz discovered what appeared to be a row of fossilized vertebrae … although some may have thought it was a mermaid sighting. Experts felt the picture shows the fossils of an extinct whale that lived during the Pliocene era, some 5 to 3 million years ago.

A fossilized whale skeleton in the desert? 50 million years ago, a vast ocean existed in what today is the Egyptian Sahara Desert. Known as the Valley of the Whales, the area has yielded the fossilized remains of sharks and plants and is now a UNESCO world heritage site.

At first glance this could be some sort of crystal ball or an alien egg. But it’s actually an amber stone containing tiny insects that lived some 20 million years ago. The specimens were found in Peru in 2011. Researchers have identified spiders in addition to spores and pollen fossils.

This 66pound fossil of an ancient rhino’s skull and jaw found in Turkey tells the tale of a horrible way to die. Researchers think the animal died over 9 million years ago after being trapped in a volcanic eruption, and essentially baked to death at temperatures of 840 F.

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posted by Zurlandikt