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$200000 MD/DO | is becoming a DOCTOR FINANCIALLY WORTH IT?

Amanda S. Xi, MD

It's really expensive to become a doctor, both in TIME invested and ACTUAL DOLLARS in cost. Medical school tuition ranges from $30k$70k/YEAR and loans are usually taken out at a 57% compounding interest rate. This leads to ~$200k in DEBT at graduation... that you STILL cannot pay off during residency because the stipend really isn't a lot.

In this video, I go over a spreadsheet I make comparing net worth between an engineer and doctor (specifically an anesthesiologist and an internist in BOSTON). I graduated with my engineering degree so it's not unreasonable of a comparison.

Here's the spreadsheet to follow along:

I also discuss this in my blog entry:'>

A couple notes:
my $170k average debt number is a bit outdated; we're closer to $200k now on average
I used a low estimate for the interest accrued on loans
in my assumption, I make the people super frugal, so they save a lot of $$$... maybe not as realistic

P.S. The perfectionist side of me was driven nuts by a couple little imperfections in this video, but I'm trying to just move on from this attitude so I can keep making good content [while, you know, working fulltime as an ICU doctor/anesthesiologist].

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DISCLAIMER: I never record videos during active patient care. Opinions in my videos are mine and not representative of the organizations I am part of. Videos are meant for education and are not medical advice. Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel!

posted by Diushaceseeto