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2024 07 03 Thunderhole Falls Trail

Kathy Gardin

Destination: Thunderhole Falls Trail – Near Blowing Rock, NC
On July 03, 2024 my son Jeff is off on another adventure.
I did not go on this hike, as I was not sure it would be a good fit for me. The trail is remote, less traveled, with a steep hill to get down to see the waterfalls (there’s a rope to assist with getting down and back up). Although after seeing his photos and videos I have suggested we go back again in the fall when the leaves will be in color. (I still don’t anticipate going down to the falls though…LOL). I can never say it enough we are so blessed to live among these beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. My motto now is….Get off the couch and get outside, even if it’s to sit on your porch or walk around your yard or neighborhood.

posted by yngletidea