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21 Insane Discoveries in South America

Epic Wildlife

The world's largest snake once inhabited the deep jungles of South America, and it isn't alone ! Check out these 21 Insane findings in South America

#10 … Giant Anteater The name gives away its diet, although the Giant Anteater doesn’t necessarily eat giant ants. Their long tongue goes all the way down the snout and can suck up row upon row of ants at a time. Giant Anteaters are native to South and Central America, and grow to roughly the size of your average German Shepherd dog.

#9 … American Crocodile It plays no favorites between North and South America,so you know. It can be found all the way from southern Florida to Ecuador. This is one of the larger crocodile species, and usually grows to 16 feet long and weighs nearly 900 pounds. You’ll often see these animals congregating near bridges, hoping tourists will toss them some food. Or hoping the tourists toss themselves in as food.

#8 … Pacu (pahkoo) Fish Native to South American waters, the Pacu Fish is best known for sporting a set of humanlike teeth. Just take a look at those choppers, pretty intimidating. Local fishermen refer to it as the “ball cutter” because they’re afraid those teeth might, well … try to steal the family jewels.

#7 … Andean Condor (andeeun) With 10foot wingspan , this is the largest flying bird in the world. They’re found in the mountainous areas of western South America at elevations up to 18,000 feet. Updrafts at those extreme altitudes allow the birds to travel great distances with only an occasional flap of their wings.

#6 … The Living Rock Believe it or not, these are not rocks … but living, breathing organisms. Their appearance allows them to avoid predators by blending into the environment, most often beaches in Chile. Each of these creatures possess both male and female organs and are able to breed individually. Sounds like a party. Can you smell what the Living Rock is cooking?

#5 … Amazon Horned Frog found in freshwater marshes of the Amazon rainforest, they’re just small enough to sit on a tea saucer with their limbs just barely over the rim. They use their small size to their advantage, hiding between shrubbery until they see jump out and feast … but only on something smaller than themselves!

#4 … Venezuelan Poodle Moth This is a relatively new species of moth discovered in Venezuela in 2009. The insect’s appearance is so bizarre that people thought the discovery was a hoax, before the creature’s existence was confirmed. Relatively little is still known about this species.

#3 … Titanoboa (titanoboah) Or, ‘titanic boa’. In 2009, the fossilized remains gigantic prehistoric snakes were found in the tropics of Northern Colombia. Dating back nearly 60 million years, the fossils revealed a snake that measured 50 feet long and weighed more than a ton. The evidence suggests it would have resembled the modernday boa constrictor but would’ve spent more time in the water like an anaconda.

#2 … Panda Ant Found in Chile, this does indeed look like an ant. But this insect actually belongs to the Mutillidae (mewtilidee), which is a family of over 3,000 species of wasps. The females are wingless and are easily mistaken for large, hairy ants. When they turn up with this distinctive blackandwhite coloring, they earn the title of Panda Ant although they’re neither. It’s still a wasp and is known to have a painful sting.

#1 … In 2016, construction workers in Brazil found a huge snake when it slithered out of a cave while crews were building a dam. The predator appeared after a rigged explosion went off. The massive reptile was identified as an anaconda and said to measure 32 feet long and weighed nearly half a ton. The animal was killed at the scene. Had it lived, it might have been crowned the largest snake ever.

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posted by Zurlandikt