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3 Power phrases for difficult people at work--how to respond to toxic people

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In this professional communication training video, how to respond to rude comments at work, online communication coach and corporate trainer Dan O'Connor gives you three power phrases you can use to shut down insulting comments and difficult people at work, while maintaining your professionalism. Professional communication trainer Dan O'Connor approaches his courses, classes, online and onsite training differently from other trainers. He teaches the words and techniques and posture you can use to immediately change the way you communicate. He doesn't discuss theory; he gives you the words.

When someone insults you, judges you, or is condescending to you at work, try one of these 3 power responses:

1) Respond with a statement: For example, "John, I'm surprised you would insult me on such a personal level when I've always considered our relationship to be strictly professional.
2) Respond with a question: John, I'm confused, what have I done to lead you to believe that our relationship is that intimate or familiar? Because I've always considered it to be nothing more than professional and would appreciate you keeping it that way."
3) Respond with an apology: "John, I'm not sure what I've done to offend you and cause you to attack and judge me on such a personal level, but whatever it is, I want you to know I really apologize, because I know you, and this isn't like you. I have always enjoyed the professional relationship we have, and hope we can continue to enjoy a strictly professional relationship."

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Body language secrets, reading body language, body language tells, signs, and moresuch as you find onTedTalks you'll learn it all, and these lessons are great for autistic people of all ages.

If you like these communication skills courses for free online, make sure to check out Dan's effective communication skills training videos and online courses website link below where you'll find:

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A little more about this online communication skills training course in English for free:

Buy The Dealing with Difficult People Book on

Download Your Free Copy of Dan's Latest FullLength Video Program On Communication Skills:

Check Out Dan's Other CriticallyAcclaimed Book, Say ThisNot That!!:

Both of Dan's books sold on Amazon boast a 4.outof5star rating; something you don't see often, especially with books about how to improve your communication skills.

Check out Dan's website here:

Of course, Dan's most popular communication skills training program in English is Step Out of the Shadows and Speak!! You can find that here:'>'>'>

Dan divides his time between the United States and Mexico, where he lives just outside of Guadalajara, in a lakeside village nestled in the Sierra Madres. It is there that Dan lives to spoil his two Springer Spaniels—Maggie Mae, his material girl If you have watched Dan’s videos on the 5 languages of love, appreciation, and respect you’ll know, and the fourlegged relationship hero that’s changing the course of communication history: Buddy the Dog.

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