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40 Instructions for Spiritual Progress by Adi Shankaracharya | Pravrajika Divyanandaprana


Sadhana Panchakam composed by Adi Shankaracharya, consisting of 5 verses of 40 steps leading you towards salvation.
00:00 Introduction
✅40 Instructions for Spiritual Progress
01. 03:40 Study the Vedas daily
02. 05:29 Perform duties ordained by the Vedas to the best of your ability
03. 10:31 Dedicate all the actions/duties as worship of the Lord
04. 11:08 Turn your mind away from desires
05. 11:58 Cleanse yourself completely of sin
06. 13:09 Reflect upon inherent limitation of worldly pleasures
07. 14:37 Strive to discover your true Self
08. 15:53 Quickly escape from attachment to your home
09. 18:33 Seek the company of wise men
10. 20:30 Cultivate steady devotion to the Lord
11. 23:00 Cultivate the qualities such as sama, dama etc…
12. 23:24 Give up desire prompted activities
13. 24:44 Approach a truly wise teacher
14. 25:17 Serve the Sandals (padhuka) of teacher daily
15. 26:10 Ask the teacher to unfold knowledge of Brahman
16. 27:16 Listen properly to the mahavakyas of the Upanishads
17. 28:05 Analyze the meaning of the mahavakyas
18. 29:17 Embrace the vision of the scriptures
19. 29:48 Avoid perverse arguments
20. 30:09 Follow the reasoning used in the scriptures
21. 30:50 Meditate on the truth, "I am brahman."
22. 31:03 Give up pride at all times
23. 31:48 Give up the identification with Body
24. 32:36 Give up the tendency to argue with wise men
25. 33:13 Treat the disease of hunger
26. 33:36 Daily take the medicine of food obtained as Bhiksa
27. 34:30 Have no craving for delicious food
28. 34:57 Be content with whatever is obtained as a result of Prarabdha
29. 35:31 Endure all pairs of opposites – like heat and cold
30. 36:23 Do not engage in useless talk
31. 36:56 Maintain an attitude of happy indifference
32. 37:19 Overlook public sympathy and censure
33. 37:51 Sit for meditation in a solitary place
34. 38:49 Concentrate mind on the Brahman
35. 39:27 Realise and see the allpervading Self everywhere
36. 40:09 Recognise that the finite universe is a projection of the Self
37. 40:39 Conquer the effects of the deeds done in earlier lives (Sanchita)
38. 41:04 Through wisdom be detached from future reactions (Agami)
39. 41:46 Experience and exhaust the fruits of present actions (Prarabdha)
40. 42:17 Thereafter, live absorbed in the Bhava, “I am Brahman”

Sadhana Panchakam by Adi Shankaracharya pdf

“Video is created by Eternal Truth and rights have been given to VivekaVani Channel to use it.”

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