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🇯🇵4K Top40 Kyoto Travel Guide 京都観光名所40選 Japanese garden 旅行 四季 スポット 桜 紅葉 新緑 青もみじの名所 額縁庭園 和風庭園 絶景 日本庭園

Discover Nippon

Kyoto is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Japan.
Kyoto offers a historic and traditional view of Japan.
It has been a place of scenic natural beauty since ancient times with little changing over the centuries.
There is no better place to experience the seasons of Japan.
Top40rated attractions in Kyoto have been carefully selected to make your trip to Kyoto unforgettable.


00:00 オープニング
03:28 城南宮のしだれ梅・Weeping Plum trees of Jonangu Shrine
04:57 保津川下りの桜・Cherry blossoms of Hozugawa River Boat Ride
07:16 桜トンネルの嵐電 ・Cherry Blossom Tunnel of Randen Tram
08:53 背割堤の桜・Cherry blossoms of Sewaritei District
11:50 伏見十石舟の桜・Cherry blossoms of Fushimi Jukkokubune Boats
13:05 嵯峨野トロッコ列車の桜・Cherry Blossoms of Sagano Romantic Train
14:44 岡崎十石舟めぐりの桜・Cherry Blossoms of Okazaki Jikkokubune Boat Ride
16:01 原谷苑の桜・Cherry Blossoms of Haradanien
18:16 平安神宮の桜・Cherry Blossom of Heian Jingu
20:19 東寺の桜・Cherry blossoms of Toji Temple
21:41 金閣寺の青もみじ・Blue maple of Kinkakuji
23:15 銀閣寺の青もみじ・Blue maple of Ginkakuji Temple
24:55 西芳寺の苔・Moss Garden of Saihoji Temple
26:39 大原三千院の苔・Moss Garden of Ohara Sanzenin Temple
28:25 祇王寺の苔・Moss Garden of Gioji Temple
29:55 額縁庭園 宝泉院・Picture Frame Garden/Hosenin Temple
30:34 額縁庭園 圓光寺・Picture Frame Garden /Enkoji Temple
31:03 額縁庭園 実光院・Picture Frame Garden/Jikkoin Temple
31:47 額縁庭園 無鄰菴・Picture frame Garden/Murinan
32:38 額縁庭園 詩仙堂・Picture frame Garden/Shisendo Temple
33:13 額縁庭園 青蓮院門跡・Picture frame Garden/Shorenin Temple (Shorenin Monzeki)
33:54 額縁庭園 圓徳院・Picture frame Garden/Entokuin Temple
34:33 額縁庭園 蓮華寺・Picture Frame Garden/Rengeji Temple
35:10 夏の風景 鴨川と賀茂川・Summer scenery of Kamo River and Kamo River
38:33 祇園祭 神幸祭・Shinko Festival of Gion Festival
40:27 祇園祭 山鉾巡行・Gion Festival of Yamahoko Parade
43:45 伏見稲荷神社・Fushimi Inari Shrine
44:12 竹林の小径・Path of Bamboo
45:22 花見小路通・Hanamikoji Street
47:53 五山送り火と灯籠流し・Gozan Okuribi and Floating Lanterns
51:06 嵐山の紅葉・Autumn leaves of Arashiyama
53:06 叡山電車・もみじトンネル・Eizan Train Momiji Tunnel
54:22 圓光寺の紅葉・ Autumn leaves of Enkoji Temple
56:17 東福寺の紅葉・Autumn leaves of Tofukuji Temple
58:57 永観堂の紅葉・Autumn leaves of Eikando Temple
1:02:21 瑠璃光院の紅葉・Autumn leaves of Rurikoin Temple
1:04:13 叡山ケーブルの紅葉とロープウェイの夜景・Autumn leaves of Eizan cable and night view of ropeway
1:05:54 清水寺の紅葉・Autumn leaves of Kiyomizudera Temple
1:09:26 宝厳院の紅葉・Autumn leaves of Hogonin Temple                           
1:12:36 美山かやぶきの里の雪景色・Snow scenery of  
Miyama’s thatched village


posted by Rapanikg