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50 and Coping? Episode 4: Chris Love Director with Help Me Stop.

Jim Distortion Podcasts Home of 50 and Coping?

Jim has known Chris Love for a long time and they have similar addiction journeys apart from Chris was an abuser of alcohol as well as cocaine. Both got clean at the same time but took very different pathways to make it happen.
We talk about the 12 steps program as well as looking at the second stage of life. A conversation that is relevant to us all!

50 and Coping is a podcast video show that looks to explore people’s coping mechanisms to trauma and mental health issues.

At no time are we suggesting we have all the answers but we have lived our lives and have coped with many things and if our experience can give any solace or guidance then we see that as a positive. the place we record all the Podcasts

http://www.georgehersantpgotography.c... George produces our podcasts and films it all!

We have a Patreon page where all of the member content is not available anywhere else. all support from you guys on there is greatly appreciated and makes it easier for us to make content for you! click here to join 7 day free trial available!

If at anytime you feel that you can’t cope mentally please seek professional help, below are listed some people who can help you so please talk to them.

In the UK these two organisations are set up to help you.

We are not mental health professionals so we are not able to issue medical advice and are only able to offer our opinions on what has worked for us!

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