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یک توضیح عالی برای نامه هدف از سفر به کانادا بنویس

Ramtin Akhlaghi ( sub new channels )

#کانادا #تورنتو #رفاقت #تجربه #رامتین_اخلاقی #پایه_تجربه_های_جدید #نامه_هدف_از_سفر #مهاجرت_به_کانادا

میدونی کی به نامه هدف از سفر نیاز داری؟ وقتی می خواهی برای مهاجرت به کانادا اقدام کنی، یکی از مدارک مهمی که برای گرفتن ویزای کانادا مورد نیاز هست نامه هدف از سفر به کانادا هست. برای نوشتن نامه هدف از سفر یا "(POT) Purpose of travel" یا "(LOI) Letter Of Intent " حتما باید به نکاتی توجه کنی که من توی این ویدئو کامل راجع بهش توضیح دادم.

چه بخواهی برای مهاجرت به کانادا اقدام کنی، چه برای ویزای توریستی کانادا، ویزای تحصیلی کانادا یا ...، به نامه هدف از سفر به کانادا نیاز داری. در این نامه شما باید خطاب به آفیسر ویزا تلاش کنید که هدف از سفر خود را توضیح دهید وهدف شما کاملا توسط آفیسر ویزا قابل تجسم باشد. شما باید دلیلی محکم برای بازگشت به کشور مبدا داشته باشید، چون اگر نتوانستید آفیسر رو قانع کنید باعث ریجکتی ویزای شما می شود

در آخر یک نمونه از نامه هدف از سفر به کانادا را برای شما می گذارم؛ به هیچ عنوان از این نامه کپی نکنید و متن اختصاصی خود را بنویسید، چرا که کپی کردن باعث ریجکتی ویزای کانادا شما می شود

Applying for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa)

Augest 22, 2023
Amir Abedin
Address: No. 90, The Amaryllis Apartments
Karol Bagh, NEW DELHI, 110005
Attn.: Visa officer
Subject: Canadian Visitor Visa Application

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have recently been invited to attend my brother’s wedding in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. My brother, Virat Sharma, who is a Canadian citizen, has planned to host the wedding ceremony on February 14th, 2024, and I would like to enter Canada for two weeks, from February 8 to 21, 2024, to attend the event.

My Travel History
I previously visited Canada for one week in August 2013 to help accompany my brother, Virat Sharma, before he started his education at York University. I have remained in India since then and have maintained steady employment in New Delhi’s IT industry.

My Employment and Savings
My current employer is Kbeattech, a Digital Solutions Company based in New Delhi. I receive a fixed salary of INR 100,000 or CAD $1,600 per month as a programmer and currently have INR 2,300,000 or CAD $37,400 in savings stored in my primary bank account in India. You can review my savings in the bank statement attached to my temporary visitor visa application.
I intend to bring approximately CAD $7,000 with me for my visit to Canada and will pay for my full expenses during my stay.

Travel Details
I will be residing at my brother’s residence at 303 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 1M7, Canada, once I arrive on February 8, 2024. I will stay at this residence for the duration of my visit. My brother’s contact number is 6470000000.
The wedding will be held at Mississauga Grand Banquet & Event Centre, 35 Brunel Rd, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E8, Canada. I intend to visit different attractions such as Dundas Square, Kensington Market, and the CN Tower in the Greater Toronto Area during my stay. I have no intention of venturing outside this region.

Health and Vaccination Details
I am also in good health and have remained free from major health issues in my life. I have received two COVID19 vaccinations to date. These are:
• Moderna Vaccine (First Shot): Received on June 21st, 2021
• Moderna Vaccine (Second Shot): Receive on July 14th, 2021
I have attached my vaccination certificate with my temporary visa application.

Intention to Return to India
I intend to leave Canada by February 21st, 2024, via Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. My parents, Akash Sharma and Kinshuk Sharma reside at my residence in New Delhi, and I intend to return to them after my trip to Canada. I have also informed my employer that I will be returning to work by February 22nd, 2024
I would appreciate your support in issuing a temporary visitor visa before my intended travel date so that I may arrive in time to help organize and participate in my brother’s wedding. I have included the information requested in the original application package. Please contact me at +91 2136724890 or [email protected] if you need me to submit additional information or documents for my application.

Thank you
Yours Sincerely,
مهم ترین قسمت های ویدئو
00:00 نحوه نوشتن نامه (LOI) Letter Of Intent یا (POT) Purpose of travel
02:10 نامه هدف از سفر چیست؟
03:35 نحوه نگارش نامه هدف از سفر به کانادا
09:37 مرکز خرید ایتن سنتر تورنتو
10:14 زمان بررسی ویزای کانادا
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رامتین اخلاقی – پایه تجربه های جدید
صفحات من در شبکه های اجتماعی:
‏  / ramtin_akhlaghi  
   / @ramtinakhlaghi  

posted by hussein05113h