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#80 Cut down the dark colored sandalwood! ! A “secret hole storehouse” suddenly appears! !

きりしま木材 kirishima sawmill

It's been a while since I posted a video!
How has everyone been? (*^_^*)
It is a dark sandalwood that contains a lot of water.
Will the secret be revealed in the second half? !
We plan to introduce it in two parts.

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My husband and I run a sawmill at the foot of Mt. Kirishima in Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu.
We are transmitting the romance of a man who has been obsessed with trees for half a century!
We are particular about using domestically produced materials and natural drying.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding timber.

[Kirishima Mokuzai Co., Ltd.]
 TEL: 0984270057
 MAIL: [email protected]

We have been receiving more calls from people who have watched YouTube.
Since we are a husband and wife team, there are times when I am unable to answer the phone due to work or being away from home. I will call you back, so I would appreciate it if you could leave a voicemail.
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posted by valati1y