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A Gamer Who Almost Missed… Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare…


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare… is one of the strangest Call of Duty games I’ve played yet. Lots of mixed feelings about this one, set in the year 2054, Advanced Warfare follows Jack Mitchell, a marine the later joins a private military group, you because he lost something…named Atlas and they got all the fun toys.

But before we get into the rest of the story, let’s start with some of the things I didn’t like:

Okay, there’s a lot of things Call of Duty does right, driving and flying, definitely aren’t 2 of them. It looked fun and pretty badass but when that time came, it was just awful. MOVING ON!

The second for me is the EXO suits, now hold on, I’m actually a big fan of these and they were so sweet but the different abilities kept changing and I definitely preferred one over the other, like the melee, boost jump and this grapple hook takedown. So badass, but they’d take them away in the next chapter.

When it comes to the gameplay, more mixed feelings, like I said, the EXO suit were awesome and some of the weapons sounded cool but felt weak and the different types of grenades that I completely forgot about and just ended up not using because I’d forget what they’d do or because it would change in some chapters, the whole things just felt a little messy from time to time.

I really like the idea of this game and the idea of the story, a private military group that pretty much answers to no one and eventually, wants to run the world and run by this guy, we’ll leave his name out of it and talk about the character, you know, a completely made up, not real person, Jonathan Irons was very well written, he had this whole “I’m 2 steps ahead of you, I’m better than you and know it” kind of thing going on and it worked really well and in my honest opinion, Irons is probably one of the better Call of Duty villains out there. For me, there’s just something about a bad guy that isn’t physically intimidating but when it’s time to get his hands dirty, he’ll show exactly what he’s capable of.

Advanced Warfare is tough one for me rate, the gameplay was fun yet messy, nothing really stood out about the other characters, Gideon and Jonathan Irons were great, my guy The Troy Baker was in it and I don’t know how you give Troy Baker the lead and just have him mostly narrate in between chapters, it just didn’t make sense to me, it seemed like they wanted to add all these locations just because they thought it would look cool and it felt like they kept switching writers or something throughout the game. I’m gonna give Call of Duty Advanced Warfare a 6 out 10. Walking around feeling like Ironman was awesome, but story, which felt like it was coming to an end at some moments, just kept going and all I say is that sometimes, more isn’t alway better but I honestly would love a sequel or a revisit to those EXO suits in the near future… but… for now.

posted by balwstrbp