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A Little Known Way To Balance Your Midrange -

Understanding Audio

Have you ever been left disappointed by the quality of your mixes? Do they sound muddy and boxy, rather than full and clear?

If you’ve answered yes to either of those questions, then this video will help you.

I’ve already spoken about how I feel control and balance in the midrange is so crucially important to a top quality mix

I’m going to take that statement a step further and say that if you only get your faders and the midrange of your mix balanced, then you’d have a pretty good mix on your hands – regardless of what you do in the low end and high end.

No, I’m not giving you an excuse to add a 20dB boost at 100Hz on your kick drum because “the low end doesn’t matter”. If you want to do that, be my guest, but the above statement is more about the importance of the midrange rather than intentionally jacking up your low end or high end.

So, it’s time for you to check out this video and learn a little known way to help balance your midrange…

► ► Learn how to use the one hack that guarantees a unique, professional sounding mix every time... Download my FREE guide to take giant steps towards better mixes →

Music: JD Kelleher 'People Talk'

posted by ureid9g