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A Quadra 35cc story

jonathan hanson

Many moons ago, I discovered a man. A legend of sorts. A perfect example of passion and skill in the small engine world. Gary Troutman. Dr. Tune! This discovery would lead to fuel the fire of a passion that burned in my young self. An early highschooler from bush Alaska. I was back and forth between Unalakleet and Nome at the time, gathering scraps of WiFi to watch Dr. Tune run his converted Homelite engines on YouTube. Finally one day I thought, it’s time to contact this man. So I think I sent him a personal message, dreaming that this might be my chance to one day fire up my own Dr. Tune engine. Well... One message after another we talked and I could never scrape together the courage to send off the last few bucks I had to buy one of these bad boys. But the relationship that was built will never be forgotten. Gary is truly an awesome dude. Eventually he told me that he was about to stop building engines and that he was going to sell most of his equipment for converting engines. It was almost like he knew I’d panic a little inside. Thankfully he said he had one last Homelite that wasn’t completely finished as well as a Quadra 35cc complete. I smashed piggy banks and dug into every couch I had, praying that I could make the exchange. One thing lead to another and here we are. Gary, finally after almost 10 years, I have for you my first video.

posted by torTarDriettycy