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A TO E ASSESSMENT| NEW TOC| OSCE 2021| Marking Criteria on the description box below

Emer Diego

00:00 01:11 Candidate Briefing
01:11 01:41 PPE
01:42 03:49 Intro
03:50 04:24 Airway
04:25 06:18 Breathing
06:19 09:19 Circulation
09:00 11:22 Disability
11:23 12:31 Exposure
12:32 13:31 Documentation
13:32 14:34 Close
14:35 16:34 Red Flag

You will take the new Test of Competence 2021 if:

you start a new application on or after 2 August 2021
you already started an application, but haven't sat an attempt at either the CBT or the OSCE before 2 August 2021.


For more info:

Twitter: @emerdiegoRN
Ig: @emerdiego
Fb: OSCE for international nurses

Assessment marking criteria: all APIEs

Assessment criteria

1 Assesses the safety of the scene and the privacy and dignity of the patient.
2 Cleans hands with alcohol hand rub, or washes with soap and water and dries with paper
towels, following World Health (WHO) guidelines.
3 Introduces self to person.
4 Checks identity (ID) with the person (the person’s name is essential, and either their date
of birth or hospital number) verbally, against wristband (where appropriate) and
5 Checks for allergies verbally and on wrist band (where appropriate).
6 Gains consent and explains reason for the assessment.
7 Uses a calm voice, speech is clear, body language is open, personal space is
8a Airway: Clear; no visual obstructions.
8b Breathing: Respiratory rate; rhythm; depth; oxygen saturation level; respiratory noises
(rattle wheeze, stridor, coughing); unequal air entry; visual signs of respiratory distress
(use of accessory respiratory muscles, sweating, cyanosis, ‘seesaw’ breathing).
8c Circulation: Heart rate; rhythm; strength; blood pressure; capillary refill; pallor and
8d Disability: conscious level using ACVPU (alert, confusion, voice, pain, unresponsive);
presence of pain; urine output; blood glucose.
8e Exposure: Takes and records temperature; asks for the presence of bleeds, rashes,
injuries and/or bruises; obtains a medical history.
9 Accurately measures and documents the patient’s vital signs and specific assessment
10 Calculates National Early Warning Score (NEWS) or Glasgow coma scale accurately.
11 Accurately completes document: signs, adds date and time on assessment charts.
12 Conducts a holistic assessment relevant to the patient’s scenario.
13 Disposes of equipment appropriately – verbalisation accepted.
14 Cleans hands with alcohol hand rub, or washes with soap and water and dries with paper
towels, following WHO guidelines – verbalisation accepted.
15 Acts professionally throughout the procedure in accordance with NMC (2018) ‘The Code:
Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing

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