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A tour of the Nabataean city Avdat under the guidance of Dr. Ofir Jacobson

Gil Lebovich

Avdat or Oboda was a major Nabatean city.
The city was built on top of a cliff, above Nahal Tzin.
The remains of the city are now in the center of a National Park, east of Highway 40, between Sde Boker and Mitzpe Ramon.
There are many impressive remains on the site, including a residential neighborhood and an observation tower, a winery for pressing grapes,
A square of temples with the remains of churches, a military camp, many residential caves,
A wellpreserved bathhouse and partially restored agricultural terraces.
In 2005, Abdat was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO together with Shivta, Mamshit and Haluza,
as part of the Incense Route.

00:00 General background on the Nabataean
20:32 The burial cave
25:18 The Roman tower
31:41 Nabataean houses
34:45 Severe vandalism in 2009
35:40 Water Cistern
36:10 The Roman military camp
38:55 The city Oboda
41:39 A walled city
42:43 The history of the city Avdat again
45:05 The city wall and the citadel
48:20 The cistern
53:16 Winepress
57:52 Nabatean churches
1:01:39 The Nabataean deities
1:02:32 Romanization
1:02:41 Zebes Obodas , syncretism
1:04:28 Christianity
1:07:47 Many churches
1:08:40 Pilgrims
1:12:04 Theodore's church
1:14:06 Ambo
1:16:21 Nabatean temple
1:18:44 The first church in town
1:19:10 In the large baptistery the place of baptism
1:22:02 During the descent
1:23:02 Descending from the Acropolis
1:23:34 A cave
1:24:11 The downtown
1:27:01 Well
1:28:29 Bath house
1:31:08 Nabatean agriculture
1:31:43 What limits agriculture in the desert
1:35:36 Desert agriculture
1:37:10 Dams in channels
1:39:30 A Liman
1:40:47 Nabataean field
1:45:38 A year of drought
1:50:16 Walking to a water hole
1:50:36 Ramlia water holes
1:51:35 The Nabateans were also shepherds
1:53:25 Walking in Nabatean fields
1:53:34 The decline in the importance of the Nabataean , and the abandonment of Avdat

Pictures from Wikipedia:
By cjh1452000 (Own work) [CC BYSA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
מאת Berthold Werner נוצר על ידי מעלה היצירה, נחלת הכלל,
By איתן טלEtan Tal (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By רוליג (Own work by [1].) [CC BYSA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
By captioning by: user:Ori~ and User:יוסי_הראשון Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
​wikipedia user urij [GFDL ( or CCBYSA3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
uri at the English language Wikipedia [GFDL ( or CCBYSA3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Daniel Baránek [CC BYSA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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