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Absolute Biophysical Characterization with MALS and DLS Wyatt Technology

Waters | Wyatt Technology

Traditional size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with UV or refractive index (RI) detection have several limitations that can significantly affect the scientific outcome. Chromatography system with one detector is limited to measure the relative molecular weight of molecules that have similar chemical properties and conformation of reference proteins or polymers that were used to calibrate the column. Multiangle light scattering (MALS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) detectors inline of SECUV or RI are essential instruments that resolve those inherent deficiencies by providing the firstprinciples characterization of molecular weight and size, independent of column calibration. A SECMALSRI or UV with DLS system extends the characterization range of biomolecules to glycoproteins, PEGylated proteins, hydrophobic proteins, biopolymers, and other biomolecules.

This webinar will present the benefits of SECMALS and DLS by measuring absolute molecular weight, size, and composition of these species. We will present key analytical methods with the latest MALS, DLS and RI instrumentation that overcome the limitations and uncertainties of standard SEC.

posted by crkovnjakij