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Air Bearings: Anodizing

Laney Machine Tech

Brought to you by the Machine Tech Video Blog! This one almost didn't happen because of coronavirus, folks... But here it is!

In this video, Adam demonstrates the process of anodizing an aluminum air bearing. He covers:

+ The main types of aluminum anodizing and the benefits of each
+ The chemical reactions and microscopic interactions of the anodizing process
+ A detailed stepbystep procedure for Type II anodizing
+ Bonus topics: tests for cleanliness, surface treatment of aluminum, a little chemical and electrical safety

*Correction: A couple of people mentioned that the pictures of the bare hands and light oil samples at 7:30, 7:45 and 9:10 look identical. I went back and checked and it turns out I did accidentally use the light oil sample image twice. I was trying to be very careful to label files properly, but I was handling a lot of files during the production of this video. During the experiment, the two samples came out with such similar results, and I was trying to align all the samples so perfectly in the camera, that it didn't raise any red flags in my mind when the images displayed were very close in appearance. My apologies! If you doubt the results of my experiments, I urge you to perform a peer review and try to recreate the same experimental conditions. The results should be the same.

Title music by Andrew Applepie "Festivities":

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posted by Tschrepped