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Akita Neru EX Hitless/A rank 1.897.430pts [Mesmerizer Fangame / 18-9-2024]


phase 1: 0:04
phase 2: 2:15
credits: 8:02
a few strats:
phase 1
the "you're getting sleepy" attack is kind of trippy to get used to personally. one way to avoid that completely is to take out neru's phase 1 hp asap before she gets to do this attack (enemy 4th turn)

phase 2
crucial to take out most or all 3 neru robos before neru's second phase 2 attack (super neru thunder). dodging this attack with the lot of robos still around is hard
if possible, have a strong aoe attack or a few ready to use right after phase 2 transition
attack target priority: neru robos, len(?), neru

play the game:

posted by Akinadeiq