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👽ALIEN STAGE HIGHSCHOOL AU reacts to their Original (1/?)🤯 read desc


•Both of them really likes each other but each of them doesn't really know, they're scared to ruin their friendship that's why no one's making a move
•Mizi actually turned out like the person she is now because of Sua, she was quiet and shy in the past but when she met Sua her world turned bright
•Been friends since middle school
•Everyone in the class knows how much they like eachother
•Ivan has been interested in Till since highschool but never really approached him instead observed from afar to try to get to know him better before making an appearance. Unfortunately, they graduated highschool without Ivan ever having the chance to talk to him; they met again and are in the same class that's when Ivan finally talked to him
•Till knows Ivan likes him but he doesn't feel weirded or grossed out, instead he continues to hang out with him expecting/waiting for something
★Luka & Hyuna(&Hyunwoo)
•Luka and the siblings had a fallout when they were kids, but really it was just the boys; the 2 of them had a fight when they were just kids and Hyuna of course chose her brothers side. It was awkward between the 3 whenever their parents met with each other,(Their parents are friends and that's why they've known each other for so long)This silence continued until Highschool. Now that they've grown and understand better, they realized how childish their fight was and apologized to each other; their doing better now and are still talking with each other until now. Hyunwoo and Luka can already talk comfortably with each other but Hyuna still feels uneasy around Luka, not because of the fight that happened but because of guilt. She realized she never really heard his end of the story and chose to stay by her brothers side, she knows it's resolved and that it was a childish bicker but she can't help but feel bad
•Shipped by lots of students but they don't care
★Mizi & Till
•Mizi unconsciously finds his sketches of her and that's how she knew that he likes her. Even then, she still doesn't avoid him as she already knows what kind of person he is
•Till doesn't know that Mizi knows and continues to hide his feelings, though he already is trying to set his feelings aside
★Mizi & Ivan
•Usually told how much they look good together by other grades and sections, though the people in their class already knows who they like, it doesn't bother them as they already know they don't like each other
•They met in highschool where they became friends
★Sua & Ivan
•Always mistaken as siblings on how much they look like each other, Sua absolutely hates it so she tries so hard not to walk beside him everytime their together, on the other hand Ivan doesn't really care
•Mizi introduced them to each other
★Sua & Till
•They meet occasionally when each of them is with Mizi and Ivan, Mizi and Ivan always stops to talk with each other and they were forced to just stand there. This happened many times that's why they also started to talk with each other
★Luka & Mizi
•She sees him together with Ivan most of the time but never really talks to him because Hyuna warned not to get close to him (it was supposed to be a joke) and she took it seriously
•He sees her together with Hyuna and Ivan most of the time but whenever he tries to talk to her she finds ways to ignore or run away without disrespecting him and he gets confused whenever it happens but he thinks it's just a coincidence
★Luka & Till
•Till sees how Mizi avoids him so he does the same
•Luka realizes that Hyuna seems interested in him but doesn't know why so he tries to talk to him but whenever he starts a conversation Till outright ignores him clearly showing he isn't interested. Luka doesn't like how disrespectful he is but he already knows how he acts because Ivan talks about him the most when they're together
★Luka & Ivan
•They meet whenever there's a meeting at the student council and that's when the bothersome talks of Ivan started
•Ivan recently noticed that when he talks about Till, Luka gets slightly irritated and so Ivan mostly talks about Till whenever they're together
★Luka & Sua
•Sua doesn't trust him
★Hyuna & Mizi
•They meet whenever they both play sports, both of them noticed how good the other plays and started talking to each since then
★Hyuna & Till
•She passed the music club sometimes and regularly sees Till inside and so she stops outside the door every time to hear Till play the guitar because she enjoyed hearing it the first time she passed by
★Hyuna & Sua
•They meet once in a while when Hyuna and Mizi meets
•Hyuna knows about Sua because Mizi always talks about her whenever they're together
★Hyuna & Ivan
•Rarely meets, she sees him together with Luka and Mizi most of the time
•Realized recently that he likes Till
•Ivan knows her as Luka's gf because of the shipping

Ss: 1189

posted by l0releigzw