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Alison Brown - The Urban Informal Economy


This video is part of UNHabitat’s Global Urban Lecture series. Find all seasons and full packages at

Alison Brown: The Urban Informal Economy

The informal economy is the lifeblood of many cities today. However, diversity makes the informal economy hard to capture in conventional urban policy processes, and for many informal workers precarious and dangerous work, exploitation, harassment, or evictions are a daily threat. Recognising the potential of urban informal workers and their solidarity economy in urban planning, informal settlement upgrading, and recovery from urban violence, disasters and other crises is key to social inclusion of informal workers, to local economic development and to building resilience in 21st century cities. This lecture addresses the challenges and opportunities that the informal economy presents.
The Global Urban Lectures are 15minute lectures on themes related to sustainable urbanisation, delivered by renowned experts, UNHabitat partners and UNHabitat staff. The lectures have been ranked among the best MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on cities.

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN–Habitat) is the United Nations agency working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all.

A street vendor Photo by Alison Brown
Global significance of the IE Vanek et al. 2014: 8
Components of IE as % of nonagricultural employment ILO 2013: 9
Informal employment as a % of nonagricultural employment Herrera et al 2011 (WIEGO) (French research agency DIAL 123 Method)
Street Vendors in Peru Photo by Alison Brown
Transport workers, Muhanga, Rwanda Photo by Alison Brown
Homebased enterprise, Kosovo, Nairobi Photo by Alison Brown
Dharavi waste recycling Photo by Alison Brown
Flower sellers, Nairobi Photo by Alison Brown
Illequipped local governments Photo by Alison Brown
Machinga Complex in Dar es Salaam Photo by Alison Brown
Community Photo Alison Brown
Local women Photo by Alison Brown
Creative design: Brook St, Durban Photo by Alison Brown
Solidarity Photo by Regan Doyle
Dandora Uprising Savings Group Photo by Alison Brown
Postconflict IEs, Hargeisa Photo by Alison Brown
PostEarthquake Nepal Photo by Alison Brown
Refugee Economy Photo by Kate Dickenson
Lady selling vegetables Alison Brown

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