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Armored Core VI: Coral Dawn - [ZGMF-X42S Destiny] Ch03 M22 - Destroy the Sp. Forces Craft


G1 Michigan: "Heard you had gone back to Belius. Thought I'd let you know, I just gave a job to your boy at the Wall. Got no doubt whatsoever that Gun 13 will make mince meat out of the PCA LCs and their new HC."

Dr. Saotome: "If by "Gun 13" you mean 'Raven', I believe I had made it clear he's not mine. Or have you and Walter been out of touch with each other lately?"

G1 Michigan: "Hmph. Well I suppose we can let bygones be bygones. With my failed attempt to get your Gundam fellow killed by those NEXTs at Gallia Dam, I've lost quite a bit of cash. So you using Balam shipping to move from the Ice Field to Belius and back again is appreciated. And you did good work for us even after all that. Your data on the Vespers' V.IV has got people talking even today. See you around."

Shinn: "Did he call just to gloat like that? What is with you two?... Besides him almost killing you I mean."

Dr. Saotome: "Ah long story. Walter is the only reason I haven't seriously tried to take down Michigan. Got no idea why that boy likes that lunkhead so much. But he did take good care of Walter while me and the others weren't around. And Walter is smart, so I'm sure if push comes to shove he'll show Michigan no mercy."

Shinn: "So it's back to the Central Ice Field for us now?"

Dr. Saotome: "I expect Walter and Kira will follow once their job is done. Speaking of which you have one from the Rubicon Liberation Front. You can take off as soon as we land. I'd encourage you to take this, as succeeding will hurt the PCA big time."

Shinn: "Alright let's hear the request."

Rubicon Liberation Front: "J, we have a mission we'd like to offer you. The PCA has deployed the CATAPHRACT..."

* * * *

Dr. Saotome: "You're approaching the area, J. It's a straight up fight with a tank. But it could be troublesome since it moves around a lot. Had your Destiny been the real McCoy, you could have sliced it in half and been done with it. That being said, I don't expect the CATAPHRACT to be able to survive more than a few blows from your blade and your beam cannon."

Shinn: "Walter had said Raven faced one of these things along with PCA special forces EKDROMOI, right?"

Dr. Saotome: "Yes. And all of that on top of the LCs and SG enforcement squads he had faced earlier."

Shinn: "Uwaaa. Hehe. I guess I shouldn't embarrass myself in oneonone. I'm sure Raven must have taken only a few seconds to deal with those LCs and HC back at the Wall."

Dr. Saotome: "He did well, but ran into some unexpected trouble from the Rubicon Liberation Front. A fanatic of their patriarch. That's why I don't want you to get too close to them either."

Shinn: "I hear ya, old man. Aha! Looks like the guest of honor has showed up. Uwaaaaa. Is he a tank driver or rally car driver?"

Dr. Saotome: "Tear it to pieces, my boy."

PCA SP Captain: "Code 23. Enemy AC confirmed. It isn't Raven, but the model is very similar in appearance. Presently engaged."

Shinn: "What's that idiot doing speaking on an open channel?"

PCA SP captain: "So you must be, J. We had reports that you and Raven were now part of an organization with other independent mercs. All of you have quite the nerve. First Raven leaked the data to the corps. Then King and Chatreuse working together, severely damaged the Closure System. Do you have any idea how many of our ships went down to King? How many of our comrades died at his hands alone!? How many died up in space when Chartreuse fired mercilessly upon the stations? And there's you! J! Late to the party but still palling up with your old comrade D as though this place were your playground! You and the corporations!"

Shinn: "What the hell is this guy blabbering about? Hey Doc! Old question, I know, but who the hell is J!? What is with this ID you've given me? And who is "Raven" really!? I'm not sure I like what 'our' Raven or I have gotten ourselves into here!"

Dr. Saotome: "Oh no. This really was a mistake. I had simply dismissed it, but if the PCA hold J and Raven in such regard, and other mercenaries familiar are with them...Shinn, I'm going to start seriously looking into this. When you take down the Cataphract, make sure there are no survivors! For your sake and your sake alone!"

Shinn: "Sorry, PCA tank boy. But this is goodbye."

* * * *

Handler Walter: "So it's that serious?"

Dr. Saotome: "Raven and J. We should consider these aliases as more than just some random mercenaries who are not really MIA."

Cinder Carla: "Comm logs from that battle were interesting. That PCA Captain must have been frustrated as hell to be able to rant so much information."

Chatty Stick: "Chief, if the PCA Captain is right about Raven, King and Chartreuse being connected and J and D having joined them, we should consider we're dealing with a powerful group composed of independent mercenaries alone."

Dr. Saotome: "You think they're the one's controlling the GHOSTs too?"

Handler Walter: "We could be in serious trouble..."

posted by Bemasatheh2