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Armored Core VI: Coral Dawn - [ZGMF-X42S Destiny] Ch02 M12 - Infiltrate Grid 086


Dr. Saotome: "Take a look at this, Shinn. This is northwestern Belius before the Coral surge. And this picture shows what it looks like now."

Shinn: "What the...!? An entire chunk of the continent is gone!"

Dr. Saotome: "You and your friend were very lucky, my boy. The Coral surge that occurred where your friend was in the Watchpoint was just a tiny spring. Well away from the real deal. Had the vein truly erupted underneath the Watchpoint, both of you would have been lost."

Shinn: "But you said Kira was caught up in a part of it. Is he alright?"

Dr. Saotome: "According to Walter, your friend seems to be doing fine. He has already gone off on his own for the next part of the plan. Didn't even wait for Walter to give the go ahead. I've asked Walter to keep sending me updates about him and the Coral. And this map I showed you is part of that."

Shinn: "I don't really understand these charts . But earlier you had said the Coral would gather wherever there's more Coral. That must be where Kira is heading, right?"

Dr. Saotome: "Yes. Somewhere under the Central Ice Field. He used the cargo launcher at Grid 086 to reach that continent. I've already prepped your AC and accepted a job from Balam as your cover. With the information Walter gave them, all the corporations will want to get to the Ice Field now."

Shinn: "Why can't we just go there without having a job? We're illegals here anyway."

Dr. Saotome: "It's better we keep the beef between the corporations instead of us directly getting burned."

* * * *

Shinn: "I've reached the vertical catapult. You guys sure have weird ways to get around here."

Dr. Saotome: "Eyes up, my boy. You're in RaD territory. And let me confess this in advance. I'm part of RaD too. We basically reuse and recycle other corporations' tech and incorporate them in our MT and AC designs. From wrecks mostly. Though there are times where we....borrow a few blueprints."

Shinn: "And you're telling me this only now because....?"

Dr. Saotome: "One reason is to just get it out of the way. The real reason though is the leader of RaD is quite the firebrand. "Cinder" Carla. Don't let her good looks fool you. She's a survivor of the Fires of Ibis. Way older than you think. She's liable to blast us both with an artillery simply to blow off steam. But that's just everyday stuff at RaD."

Shinn: "Fantastic. I was saved by a mad scientist who works for a company full of brainfried engineers. But that explains a lot of things. Like how you were able to put this DestinyAC together. And why your ship looks like it's about to fall apart. I really couldn't believe it when you told me there were people...these "Dosers"...who actually use Coral like drugs. Didn't you tell me not to drink the water we found at that BAWS arsenal?"

Dr. Saotome: "Hehe. Nobody's perfect. Launching vertical catapult!"

* * * *

Cinder Carla: "Sigh... I guess that should do it. Atleast I don't have to worry about some of the small fries trying to muscle their way in."

Chatty Stick: "Chief. I am receiving a transmission. The encryption ID is identified as Dr. Saotome."

Cinder Carla: "Ugh. This has got to be a bad dream. Put him on."

Dr. Saotome: "Long time no see, old lady."

Cinder Carla: "Shut it! Are you begging me to blow you into a million pieces!? Why the hell are you on Rubicon 3!?"

Dr. Saotome: "Now is that anyway to talk to your former intern from back in the day? Moreover, aren't you overdoing it with the antiageing treatments? You look even younger than I remember."

Cinder Carla: "You oughta try it yourself. Antiageing and life extension treatments work nicely together. As it is, it's already creepy talking to an old man who's supposed to be younger than me."

Dr. Saotome: "Tight budget these days. But you can still call me 'snotty brat' like you used to. By the way, is that robotfellow still around?"

Chatty Stick: "Been a while, Saotome. Belated congratulations on your doctorate."

Dr. Saotome: "Thanks. You're only thirty years late. I'm pressed for time so let me be direct. Carlasan, I'd like permission to use the cargo launcher."

Cinder Carla: "No can do. I'm busy as it is. A huge mess has been made here in the past few days, and I've only just replaced the MTs guarding the perimeter."

Dr. Saotome: "I'm just asking permission to pass through. We won't get in your way. Listen, Walter is on the planet. That boy should not be here, and he's got someone with him who shouldn't be here either."

Cinder Carla: "I know about him. And the tourist. That tourist is the reason for most of the mess I'm cleaning up. It's like I told you, man. Studies or job, you gotta push through yourself instead of holding out a begging bowl to others."

Dr. Saotome: "Yare yare. Is that what you truly want?"

Cinder Carla: "Show me what you got, kid...old man."

Dr. Saotome: "Shinn, my boy. Go out there and have fun."

posted by Bemasatheh2