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Arpeggios | NDLR | MakeNoise Music Easel

Bottle Makes Music

Adding the NDLR to the mix! In this video I am exploring the interaction between the raw output from the 0Coast (which is being driven directly by the NDLR Motif 1 arpeggio sequence) and the processed version on the Strega. The 0Coast is panned mostly left and the Strega to the right.

Internally the NDLR is sending modulations to the Motif 1 Pattern Length and Position, as well as the Clock division so that the arpeggio appears to slow down and speed up. The Strega is processing the audio from the 0Coast and adding its own flavour. The 0Ctrl is providing additional modulation sources to the 0Coast and Strega as outlined in the Patch Notes below. The Beatstep is being used as a control panel for the NDLR, allowing access to the Chord Degree and Type.

Patch Notes
0Coast MIDIB CV (Mod Wheel, CC 1) to Voltage Math unatt CV In
0Coast VM unatt CV In to Overtone CV In (stack cable)
0Coast Stepped Random Out to VM Att In
0Coast VM1 CV Out to Slope Time CV In (cycle: ON)
0Coast Slope CV Out to Strega Absorb CV In
0Coast Dyn Out to Strega Ext Audio In
0Coast Clock Out to 0Ctrl Ext Clock In
Strega Agitation Function Out to Delay FM CV In
Strega Activation CV2 Out to Time CV Att In
0Ctrl Strength row CV Out to Strega Decay CV In
0Ctrl Ch. 4 Gate to Direction In
0Ctrl Pressure Cv Out to 0Coast Balance CV In

The NDLR is set up to transmit MIDI on ch. 7 to the 0Coast (Pitch and Gate), and ch. 8 for MIDIB CV for Mod Wheel, CC 1. The BeatStep is set up to transmit MIDI data on ch. 7 and ch. 15 to control the 0Coast directly and the NDLR's Chord Type and Degree.

posted by legoergosum0w