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Ba Duan Jin Qi gong (The 8 Brocades)

Jake Murry Health and Wellness

1) Name: Two Hands Support the Heavens

Regulates: All internal organs. Acts as the bodies thermostat.

Physical: Reduces shoulder stiffness, improves, blood circulation, relieves fatigue, & improves posture. Helps to improve breathing and lung capacity. Prepares the mind and body for the following exercises.

Emotional: Determines how we interact with ourselves and navigate the outside world. Helps support appropriate behavior in relationships.

Inhale: Arms overhead Exhale: Arms lower (repeat 8 times)

2) Name: Raising the Hands to Condition the Stomach & Spleen

Regulates: The flow of energy along both sides of the body.

Physical: Improves the functions of stomach, spleen, gall bladder & liver. Can potentially decrease the odds of gastrointestinal tract diseases while improving digestion. Tones the core muscles improving stability & physical balance.

Emotional: When out of balance we show tendencies to be anxious, ungrounded, needy, and prone to over thinking. Provides emotional stability and a calmness of mind. Helps ensure a healthy mind/body relationship.

Inhale: Alternate sides Exhale: Arms press in opposing directions (repeat 4 times each side)

3) Name: Opening the Bow to Shoot the Golden Eagle

Regulates: Relationship between liver (internal & external clarity), heart (intention & direction), and lungs (moral and ethical inspiration).

Physical: Improves circulation of qi, blood, & oxygen. Realigns the spine and improves strength in the in the core and legs. Strengthens the muscles and activates the meridians in the arms.

Inhale: Alternate sides Exhale: Draw the bow (repeat 4 times each side)

4) Name: Looking Back to Eliminate 5 Fatigues & 7 Illnesses

Physical: Helps release chronic tension in the neck and shoulders by stretching the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). Plays an important role in the posture of the neck in relationship to the body. Can greatly improve circulation.

Emotional: Thought to improve our intuition by opening and clearing the pathways to the head knowns as “The Abode of the Inner Gods.”

Inhale: Alternate sides Exhale: Return to center (repeat 4 times each side)

5) Name: Bending Over, Wagging the Tail To Calm Heart Fire

Regulates: Helps relieve over exertion of the “heart fire” leading to feelings of being either burnt out (dim) or out of control (over stimulated).

Physical: This exercise massages all the internal organs and stretches the spine. Improves lower body and core strength.

Emotional: A sense of tranquility is developed when the heart fire (Shin Wa) is in balance. An inner sense of peace and ease with one’s own self improves our ability to cultivate healthy relationships with others.

Excess heart fire harasses the heart shen (mental activity), this leads to vexation, insomnia, palpitations, and dreamdisturbed sleep.

Inhale: Rise up Exhale: Alternate sides (repeat 4 times each side)

6) Name: Two Hands Climb the Legs to Strengthen the Kidneys

Regulates: Aids in longevity by helping to regulate the energy (or Essence) that we use daily as well as through our lifetime (Postnatal Jing). Balances the Yin and Yang forces within us.

Physical: Strengthens the kidneys, adrenal gland, and stretches and tones the entire spinal column. Promotes the circulation of freshly oxygenated blood to the brain. Balances energy flow between the front and back as well as the upper & lower parts of the body.

Emotional: Helps in cultivating calmness and perseverance through difficult situations, and providing a greater sense of inner stillness, silence, & ease despite being active or busy.

Inhale: Hands to lower back Exhale: Brush down back of legs
Inhale: Arms overhead Exhale: Arms lower down (repeat 8 times)

7) Name: Punching with an Angry Gaze To Increase Strength

Regulates: The Liver

Physical: Preventative against arthritis, improves mobility and strength in the hands, wrist, & elbows. Promotes elasticity of tendons and ligaments. Improves overall strength and longevity by improving liver Qi.

Emotional: Helping express anger in a healthy and appropriate way. Aiding to increase kindness and generosity, reduces stress, improved concentration.

Inhale: Fist draws in Exhale: Throw punch (repeat 4 times each side)
(breath retention during between punches)

8) Name: Shake the Back 7 Times to Eliminate the 100 Illnesses

Regulates: Condition, settle, and store Qi. Helps “smooth out” the Qi after practicing the preceding 7 exercises.

Physical: Rejuvenates and replenishes all the internal organs, improves circulation, help recover from fatigue, and restore nervous system and sense of balance.

Emotional: Feel mentally refreshed and at ease.

Inhale: Squeeze entire body Exhale: Lift/ lower heels, and arms

I would like to express my gratitude to all the generous teachers who have shared their knowledge and expertise on this subject, including Mimi KuoDemmer, Nick Loffree, Master Lam Kam Chuen, among others.

Filmed May 8th 2024

posted by bizkut6921zo