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Baby Joey's Best Day Ever

Merrick Pet Care

Baby Joey was taken in by Second Chance Rescue after being found with partial limb amputations on his back legs, which made it very hard for him to walk. So when Merrick heard about Baby Joey’s story, we wanted to help. Inspired by Baby Joey’s tenaciously kind spirit, we worked with some amazing partners to help Baby Joey go through rehabilitation, be provided with custommade prosthetics, and put on a path to finding a forever home.

Thanks to Second Chance Rescue NYC and Water 4 Dogs. Here are links to their websites to learn more about these organizations:

Baby Joey was taken in by Second Chance Rescue after being found with partial limb amputations on his back legs, which made it very hard for him to walk. So when Merrick heard about Baby Joey’s story, we wanted to help. Inspired by Baby Joey’s tenaciously kind spirit, we worked with some amazing partners to help Baby Joey go through rehabilitation, be provided with custommade prosthetics, and put on a path to finding a forever home.

posted by gargallk6