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Backcountry Epic in the Middle of Phoenix AZ! Riding Coast to Coast on National

Dusty Trails MTB

Inside the city limits of Phoenix Arizona, South Mountain offers some of the best biking in the state. Easily accessed for afterwork laps (or before work during the hot summer months), South Mountain offers up the perfect backyard runs for the residents of a major city.
But if you're looking for an Epic, well, South Mountain's got that too.
I first heard about the ability to link National from Coast to Coast in 2022, tho I had no interest in tackling such a massive day in the Saddle. But a year later, the stars aligned just right, giving me a temporary lapse in judgment just long enough to agree to the punishment.

If you want to spend miles in your saddle, with lots of downhill (at the cost of lots of punchy ups) and 360 degree views, National Coast 2 Coast won't disappoint.

00:00 Intro
00:13 Climbing National
01:39 The Saddle DH
02:30 This Party Just Grew aka Buena Vista Parking Lot
03:00 National West from Buena Vista
07:30 Hike a bike
08:17 National West Ridgeline
12:21 No More Climbing
13:13 Final National DH
14:39 Steep and Loose

posted by shelenhc