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Baroness Hale: This is Your Life

UCL Laws

An event coorganised by UCL Laws | UCL Public Policy | UCL Grand Challenge of Justice & Equality

Baroness Hale: This is Your Life
Interviewed by Professor Dame Hazel Genn (UCL ViceProvost International and Advancement)

This event looks in particular at the importance of the judiciary for equal societies, how we can tackle structural inequalities and will reflect on:

breaking the glass ceiling (as Britain’s first female law lord; the first woman to serve on the UK’s Supreme Court; and the first to become its President);
the importance of diversity and inclusion within the judiciary and society;
the importance of the rule of law for breaking down inequalities and delivering justice;
a high point in Baroness Hale’s career and her hopes for the future of the judiciary; and
current preoccupations.

posted by difidented8