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BDO Cooking Guide Part 3 - Lifeskill Profits with Bdolytics


Bdolytics, made by Warflash:

In this video, I'll show you the lifeskill calculator bdolytics. It has many cool features related to gathering, processing, alchemy and cooking profit.

Small note about the last section:
When searching for profitable recipes, you could also include recipe chains e.g. Red Sauce Cheese Gratin Balenos meal.

I know there's a lot more to talk about when it comes to bdolytics but that's all I could squeeze into a 10minute window.
We'll pick up on some of the things I left out in the next video.

0:00 Intro
0:31 Setup
1:30 The recipe page
4:50 Weight and gathercook profit
6:05 Market, Imperial, CP/XP calculators
6:57 How to find profitable recipes
9:38 A cute chubby panda sitting on a pillow

posted by impregnef6