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Best Geometry Box Under 100 Rs | Doms Geomiti + EXTENDER Review 🔥

Student Yard

Doms Geomiti with its new extender compass is undoubtedly the best geometry box under 100 Rs available in Indian market . Why we agree with this watch the video to know more .

Watch the video for complete information of the Box :

↤↤↤↤↤ ✦ T I M E S T A M P S ✦ ↦↦↦↦↦
✦What's in the Video 0:00
✦Overview & Colours 0:38
✦InBox Content 1:47
✦Compass & Extender 2:26
✦Verdict 4:47

#Doms #geometrybox #stationery #maths #students

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posted by vondaufurap