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Best of Red Bull Soapbox Race USA

Mr Lowe

Red Bull Soapbox Race Des Moines, Iowa, USA 2022
Thanks to Red Bull for inviting us to this great event #redbullsoapboxrace
The Red Bull Soapbox Race is a soapbox race organised by the Red Bull company. First held in 2000, over a hundred races have been held in multiple countries around the world.
History : The inaugural event was held in Brussels in 2000. Races have since been held across the globe, from South Africa to Australia.It didn't arrive in the United States until 2006 (St. Louis), by which time 35 races had taken place.
Rules : The vehicles must have steering and braking capability. Teams are judged on both the time taken to complete the course, as well as creativity of their design and the showmanship of a performance at the start of the race, meaning the team with the fastest time is not necessarily the winner. #mrlowe #redbullsoapboxrace #redbullseifenkistenrennen
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posted by aspics57