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BF2 Alive And Kicking | Online Gameplay 2024


#battlefield2 #bf2 #specialforces

Join the BF2 LostSoldiers community today!
If you would like to stay up to date with the 2024 events hosted by the LostSoldiers BF2 Community, visit and join their   / discord   (play together, see event announcements first, enjoy battlefield 2)

If you have the game but don't know how to play online, visit

If you don't have the game and would like to get it and play online, follow these simple steps to get a legit BF2 installation:

• Register to LostSoldiers BF2 Community at
 • Activate your account via email ✉ (you'll receive an activation link)
 • Then log in using the dog tags on the topleft corner of the website
 • Go to the Forum → Military Base board (make sure to be logged in first)
 • Read the sticky thread to get the most uptodate download instructions

In case of any trouble or concern, contact S_h_a_r_k_93 at

posted by Ingiosiib